

  • LG Good Citizen Award

    LG Good Citizen Award is operated as part of LG Welfare Foundation’s effort to create a just society. It identifies and rewards not only dedicated public servants but also citizens who have contributed to the realization of social justice through acts of kindness and virtuous deeds. Since 2015, LG Good Citizen Award has promoted such social role models in an effort to build a better society.

  • Growth Hormone Support

    In partnership with the Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and the Association for Child Welfare Growth Hormone Support, LG Welfare Foundation, together with LG Chem, provides growth hormone to short stature children from low-income families. This public welfare initiative helps alleviate their emotional and financial burdens.

  • Supporting the Underprivileged

    LG Welfare Foundation conducts various projects to support the neglected in our society, including children, elderly, and disabled people.


초대 대표이사 구자경 LG명예회장은 기업의 이윤을 우리 주변 이웃과 나누고
소외되고 어려운 이들과 더불어 사는 사회를 만들고자
1991년에 LG복지재단을 설립하었습니다.

LG복지재단은 경제적 사정이 넉넉하지 않은 아동과 청소년, 사회적으로 소외받는 노인과 장애인,남다른 선행으로 사회의 귀감이 될 의인에 깊은 애정과 관심을 가지고 있습니다. LG의인상, 성장호르몬제 지원사업, LG사랑의 품앗이 등 다양한 사업을 전개하는 한편, 보다 체계적이고 전문적인 역할을 담당하고자 노력하고 있습니다.

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